viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hello, I am going to talk about my postgraduate studies. Well, I think that is a little difficult to imagine the future to me, because I´m still studying, but I think, like I said in my last post, that when I get my degree I would like to do a postgraduate about sustainable architecture, because that’s the area where I want to work in the future.

I would like to do this postgraduate course in another country, because I’m studying my undergraduate in Chile, so I would like to know other positions about architecture, not just the one that teach here. And if I have to choose one country, I would like Germany or Italy.

Maybe, I would prefer the part-time course because I would like to pay the postgraduate by myself so, for do that, I would need to work (and I wish I could work on something related to architecture).

In this postgraduate course I would like to learn innovative things in the field of sustainable architecture, and I think because of this too I would like to study in another country (because Chile usually is not the one in the forefront), but I would like to apply the things I learn in Chile, because I think that this country needs to improve in the current construction systems.