viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

What am I really into?

I think what I am really into now is animals, especially my cats and lately I have been very curious about orcas.

I have two cats, Kiara and Orion. Kiara has twelve years old and Orion has six. With Kiara I have like an older sister relationship, because I annoy her a lot, I touch her all the time and she meows me to leave her alone, but the more she does that the more I want to annoy she, so at the end she just resist until I leave her in peace (or she just bites me). And my other cat, Orion, thinks I am his mother, he sleeps with me, when he wants love he search me and if he does not find me he start to meow until I call him or until I go where he is and give him a lot of love (I love that he does all of this things).

In the lasts weeks I have been very curious about orcas, I do not know why, I think is my scientist spirit, I search in internet things like: What does the orcas eat? Where does the orcas live? What I have to do in case I find an orca? And a lot of question like that. I do not know why I have this curiosity about some animals, because sometimes it is like “oh I want to learn about tiger” or “how many vertebrae has the giraffe?”

And another thing I do a lot lately is eat Tuareg cookies, the ones that taste like coco, but I think that I have been eating this cookies because they sell it in the university in the vending machines. But the truth is that I am obsess with the cookies in general.

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